jwunderdog said:
I ran about 3 hours ago in 90 degree heat and I feel like I am going to throwup. Drank plenty of water, any other suggestions.Guess my body is not used to the heat yet!!
I hope you didnt die before you read my post!!!
Drinking lots of water while running in very hot humid weather can actually be deadly!!! (I wrote a post about it about 8 months ago and have since then seen about 3 or 4 stories on the news about it)
I forgot the name of the condition..But its not common knowledge that is typically posted at marathons and even taught to drill instructors in the military.
It has some to do with the sodium in your cells.. Drinking too much water causes some kind of dilution of this sodium that can have fatal consequences..(And its has happened more than people think, only its mistaken for dehydration because the symptoms are the exactly the same)
For casual runners, you dont need to worry.. You have to run for very long periods and consequently drink significant amounts of water for this to happen..(you are not going to pass out and die because you drunk a gallon of water on the tread mill at home!!!)